August 30, 2009

Membersihkan Home Page Facebook

Aku tidak begitu suka melihat tampilan halaman awal facebooku dipenuhi oleh update-update dari aplikasi-aplikasi yang digunakan oleh teman-temanku. Tapi tidak mungkin juga kan kalau aku larang mereka untuk tidak menggunakan aplikasi-aplikasi itu.

Dan kalau harus aku blok setiap aplikasi itu agar tidak muncul di halaman facebookku kok ya tidak menyenangkan juga, soalnya jumlah aplikasinya kan tidak sedikit. Belum lagi kalau nanti ada aplikasi-aplikasi baru yang muncul.

Nah, akhirnya aku menemukan cara yang cukup enak untuk "menghilangkan" aplikasi-aplikasi itu dari halaman awal facebookku.

Caranya dengan menggunakan script fbpurity.

Script tersebut gunanya untuk menyembunyikan aplikasi-aplikasi yang mengganggu itu dari halaman awal facebook kita. Dan kalau kita ingin melihat update dari aplikasi-aplikasi yang terblokir tersebut pun cukup mudah.

Script fbpurity tersebut sebenarnya adalah script untuk add-on Greasemonkey untuk browser Firefox. Tapi sekarang script itu bisa juga digunakan di browser lain seperti Chrome, Operan, atau Safari.

Untuk cara instalasinya bisa dilihat di sini. Instalasinya cukup mudah dan jelas, siapapun aku rasa bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah instalasinya.

Cleaning Up Facebook Stream From Application Update

I prefer things to be simple and neat instead of bloated with stuff I don't want to. That's includes my facebook stream page (home page), I kinda hate it when my home page filled with an application updates from my friends. I'm not blaming them for using those application, just want to make the notification disappear from my home page.

There's 2 way I know on how to remove those updates. First, block each application I don't want to see. But that will be a tough job since there's so many application, and the number of new application is growing continuously.

The other way is what I'm using right now, using a fbpurity script.

Fbpurity is actually a script for greasemonkey add-on for Firefox browser. But it seems you can use that script in other browser such as Chrome, Opera and Safari.

What it does do is hiding all those annoying application from your home page, you can display every application that has been blocked though.

For installation how-to you can view it here. It's quite straightforward, so I think anyone can install it on their browser.

August 21, 2009

Megaloman Tokusatsu Movie

Yaayy!! Finally got this Megaloman tokusatsu series from my friend. No subtitles though, so I have to do a little bit of guessing when watching this movie since my Japanese is not good enough for now :-P

I don't think I ever watch this movie before. Or probably I've watched it when I was a little, but didn't remember any of it. But I've knew about Megaloman probably since I was in elementary school.

I don't know from where my friend downloaded this movie from, probably from some torrent site.