November 21, 2009

Ghost Story

One of my friend, has this ability to see and feel if there's a ghost around her. I don't know if that's the ability some people called a six sense.

But this ability sometime making me feel bad. Because she sometimes tell me about it if she saw or feel something.

Ok, I admit that I dislike all ghost stories available, whether it's a urban legend, movie. And when I start to read, hear or saw the story, I wished that I'm not there... not hearing, saw, or read that story. I wished I forgot everything about it in a second.

But, I do have this urge to know about anything. So even though I hate it, I could force myself  to hear the story until the end.

This is what happens when my friend told me about her stories.

If she told me the stories when the situation around my is not creepy enough, then I think I could stand it. But, most of the time, she told me about the story at a bad time like in the middle of the night when I'm alone in my room.

And if you ask me do I believe all this stories? yes I believe it. I believe there's a ghost.

On second thought, why the heck do I wrote this post in the middle of the night *facepalm*

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